Oldies Go Camping!

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Oldies Go camping!

Here are some of the oldies that met up on the Oldies Club / Animal-Rescuers Forum camping weekend a couple of weeks back. Being an oldie doesn’t mean you can’t get out and about and have some fun with friends!

From the left, we have Tammy and Sadie, with Debs their foster mum (Tammy and Sadie are both looking for a home, but aren’t featured on the site just yet as they are still being assessed), Alice, the Oldies Club’s first Pets as Therapy qualified dog ( in this pic attempting to escape from Debs’ daughter Shelley) and the lovely Tango, belonging to OC chair Cindy.

Yes, it did rain like mad, and the oldies had to be wrapped up warm at that point. But as you can see the sun came out, and although apart from the oldies there were about 20 other dogs present, all the dogs seemed to get on really well.

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