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This beautiful lurcher girl came to District Dogs Rescue, Warrington, as a stray. After waiting out her stay in kennels, she has now found a wonderful new home! This is a message from Molly’s – as she is now called – new mum:

‘Now she is home and it feels like she has always been here! She took to our 19 year old daughter straight away and she was promptly whisked away to the livery stables where it was put forward that her name should be Molly.

My partner and I decided that it suited her, so the oldie lurcher lady has now been christened. As we speak she is laid out flat on her cosy blanket by the side of us both, we have just come back from a short walk “around the block” with our cats in tow. She didn’t pull at all… She is perfect.

It must have been fate for us to have her, and I will be in touch soon, with more photos and updates, and a big “Thank You!” to all you hard working, animal loving people, because without you, people like me would not be aware that there are so many needy older animals that need homes.’


Watch this space for updates!

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