March for the Greyhounds 18th Nov 2006

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There will be a march protesting the continuing abandonment and killing of greyhounds, inspired by the Sunday Times news stories from July 2006, in London on November 18th.

This is a general protest and a chance for all doglovers, whether greyhound owners, owners of other breeds or people who just like dogs and don’t like to see them mistreated to make their views known. Could you spare a while to make your views known?

The Oldies Club, of course, deals with older dogs from all breeds, but this is still an important problem to us. The racing industry in the UK and Ireland by their own admission, produces far more dogs that it can care for: many are put to sleep without a chance to grow old in a loving home, and sadly, some grow old in kennels without ever getting the loving homes that all oldies deserve. is the website of the march.

If you are definitely able to come, it would really assist the organisers if you could pop along to one of the main organising forums,, or, and let them know that you will be there so they can get an idea of numbers.

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