Bridget – formerly BB (Ardley Rescue Kennels, Oxon)

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February 2008 We’ve received a new photo of Bridget in her garden. It’s so good to see her enjoying her new life after suffering for so long.



November 2007 We’ve received an update from Bridget’s new owners:

Here are some pictures of BB, now Bridget, with Valerie (11) the Brindle Saluki collie cross and Charlie (11) the Collie. Bridget is happy and well, as you can see her hair is growing well she is still having two baths a week and is now on medication for her fits. She enjoys her little walks around the park very slowly.

Here are the photos of her with her new canine chums:





September 2007 BB (Beautiful Baby) was in a terrible state when she was taken in by Ardley Rescue Kennels in Oxon. Despite all her health problems Ardley wanted to find her a comfortable home as quickly as possible, so that she didn’t have to endure kennels. They asked the Oldies Club to advertise her and it wasn’t long before her wonderful new owners spotted her sad story here on the website.

Ardley have had an update from her new owners and although we have no pictures yet we are pleased to report that she is doing well. She has become great friends with the Collie dog she lives with and she follows him everywhere. She has been out for a few walks but loves her garden most of all and is really enjoying her new home.

She sends her love to everyone who cared about her. So a big thank you to everyone!

Oh, and BB now has a new name: ‘Bridget’. That’s such a sweet name that really suits her.

We look forward to receiving a further update and some pictures of beautiful Bridget!

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