Bluebell (AARU, Nottingham)

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10/1/08 – We are sorry to hear that after a sudden illness little Bluebell has had to be put to sleep. Her owners are understandably devastated, but thanks to them Bluebell will have known a lot of love and happiness in her last few weeks. Rest In Peace Bluebell!

15/11/2007 We are delighted to hear that Bluebell has found a new home! AARU have kindly thanked the Oldies Club for helping them to reach some very caring people who offered help to Bluebell.


A tiny grey cat, sadly found as a stray at the age of about 18 years old. Currently at AARU It’s inconceivable that this little cat wandered away from home. There is a mark of indented fur round her neck, where there once was a collar. Her claws are newly clipped.

Bluebell is looking for a safe, warm and loving retirement home for what remains of her life. She is very loving, is fond of cuddles and spends most of her time curled up, fast asleep.

AARU will pay any vet’s bills needed for her.

If you can offer Bluebell the final home she deserves on this, her ninth life, please contact Jackie at AARU as follows:

Telephone: 01509 852164

Please mention that you saw Bluebell on the Oldies Club website.

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