Sabre (Freshfields Animal Rescue, Liverpool)

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5/9/2007 Poor Sabre has had to be put to sleep. Freshfields discovered that he had a tumor on his spleen and while being operated on the vet could see just how bad things were and there was no choice but to put him to sleep. Freshfields are very upset. Sleep tight, Sabre.


Poor Sabre is back at Freshfields because his new owner’s landlord has changed his mind about allowing pets. Sabre has apparently been great in the house and a real pleasure to be with. Can you offer Sabre the forever home he needs?

SabreFreshfieldsNew SabreFreshfieldsNew2 SabreFreshfieldsSwims


Sabre is an extremely handsome, 9 year old, black and tan German Shepherd Dog. He was at Freshfields originally because he was about to be put to sleep at a pound in Yorkshire as his 7 days were up. Luckily, Freshfields were able to take him in.

Sabre is a very good-natured chap who loves attention and a cuddle. He hates being in kennels and is frustrated and bewildered by the experience – it’s such a shame that he is back there again.

Sabre is good with other dogs but prefers to live as an only pet. He does like the sound of his own voice sometimes but this is probably just a cry for attention – he loves to be with people and just looks for affection.

Sabre loves to go out walking and walks really well on the lead but is still a strong dog and can pull when he is excited. He adores water, so much so that he has been going to a local hydrotherapy pool where he will happily swim after his toys for hours. Apart from making Sabre very happy this is also a great way of keeping him in shape.

He is vaccinated and neutered.

Sabre is now desperate to get back into a home. He is a loyal loving dog and will give you a cuddle whenever you ask.


Telephone: 0151 931 1604
Website: Freshfields

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