Frodo, fabulous family friend (Oldies Club)

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Frodo spent some months in Oldies Club care after his previous owner sufferered ill health and could no longer care for him.  We all wondered if his perfect home would ever come along… but come along it certainly did, and Frodo assures us it was worth the wait.

We have had this lovely message from his new owners:

“Frodo likes the car and travelled well from his Foster home in Portsmouth up to Guildford. He came with his bed to make him feel at home. We started Frodo’s new life at our house with a walk with my other 2 dogs so they could get reacquainted and then they all settled down. Frodo gives a wonderful deep “wowowowow” welcome to all members of the family and is really chilled. Despite being 12 he is finding his puppy side and starting to play with my 3 year old Jack Russell – they make an odd pair due to the difference in size, but games involve a lot of tail wagging and general bouncing. Frodo has fitted into our family life really well and it is lovely to see an older dog having such a great time walking in the woods, playing with his new friend, and really enjoying life!”,

It certainly looks like Frodo has landed on his four paws. We wish him and his wonderful new owners , and of course his new doggy pals, all the happiness in the world!

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