Clara is loving her new life! (Nirina Dog Adoptions)

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Clara was adopted from Nirina Dog Adoptions who use Oldies Club’s free service of promoting old dogs that are in other rescues. We’ve heard from Clara‘s new owners, as follows, and she’s doing well:

“We wanted to send you news of Clara who we found on Oldies Club.

We had lost our elderly girlie and were really missing having 2 dogs in the house, and our senior Springer Spaniel was terribly subdued and sad, so we began looking for the right match for all of us. We needed an older girl who was happy living with another dog, and after much searching we saw Clara on the Oldies Club website.

We picked her up from her very kind fosterer a month ago, and after a week of being shy and nervous, she is now happily part of the family.

She has lived in a shelter in Bosnia for 10 years, so a lot of things are new to her, especially the hoover and the sea! She was quite scared of waves at first, but is slowly becoming a beach babe.

Fin the Springer seems much more like himself now he has a sister again, and they are very sweet together.

She is lovely and calm, travels well in the car, and is learning her recall with the help of lots of treats! We’re so happy we found her, she’s a little treasure.

Thank you all for what you do for senior dogs.”

We are very happy to hear that Clara is doing well in her new life, and are pleased that we were able to help her get noticed by her new family!

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