Jazz and Penny (Dogs Trust Merseyside, Liverpool)

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If you are thinking about adopting a pair of oldies, you may want to read our article Are Two Oldies better than One?

Adorable West Highland Terriers, Jazz and Penny, are aged 8+ and are looking for a home together with the help of Dogs Trust Merseyside. They can live with children of high school age, but no other dogs. Both are house-trained and can be left alone for two or three hours. They will need regular grooming so please consider the cost of this.


Jazz is a glorious golden oldie who is looking to be rehomed with her sister, Penny. Their owner has had to go into a retirement home, meaning the girls are looking for one of their own. Jazz is a calm girl who has been perfect in her foster home, and she loves to be near people.

She’s happiest when being made a fuss of and likes to sit next to people. She has even had a cheeky scratch on a bedroom door to see if there’s any chance of being let in, but happily goes to her own bed when entry is refused! Nothing much seems to faze Jazz, she’s a very easy-going and affectionate and a joy to be with.


11 year old Penny is a real sweetheart who loves to potter about her foster home with sister Jazz. She is hard of hearing these days, but she still enjoys life and a fuss when she’s in the mood. Penny has been friendly to everyone she’s met since her arrival, but she does take exception to some dog and not others.

She eats well and likes to play with toys that are thrown for her, especially tennis balls. Penny’s deafness means it’s important that she knows you are there before you touch her, particularly if she is sleeping. She does love a belly rub and being near you. Penny sleeps happily downstairs at night and, being deaf, she tends to sleep right through, though she will bark if she needs a night-time wee.

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If you can’t resist this adorable pair and want double the love, please contact Dogs Trust Merseyside as follows:

Apply: via their website – click here
Phone: 0303 003 0000

Please mention you saw Jazz and Penny on the Oldies Club website.

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