Ingrid (Stray2Me, fostered Suffolk)

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14/2/2022 Lovely Ingrid has sadly passed away in her fosterer’s arms after an operation for a tumour in her chest.
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Lovely Ingrid is very loving with humans and a friendly and happy lady despite having been through a very rough time. She was found a few months ago laying at the roadside with flies buzzing around her, barely alive and weighing only 12kg. She had an infected tumour on her underbelly which has been successfully removed, and she has recovered amazing well. She is now double her original weight and Stray2Me hope she will be rehomed very soon.

Ingrid is a black Labrador/Retriever type and is approximately 8 – 9 years old. She is living in a foster home in Suffolk and is already getting the hang of housetraining. Needless to say, she is just loving the home comforts of domestic life, including sleeping on her fosterer’s bed.

Ingrid is cat and dog friendly and likes to play with them, in fact she must live with other dogs as she doesn’t settle if she’s left in a room without them. She can walk on a harness already.

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If you think you have the perfect home Ingrid deserves, please complete the Stray2Me Adoption Form, or contact the Rescue as follows:


Please mention you saw Ingrid on the Oldies Club website.

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