Meggie (CAARS Rescue, West Midlands)

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15/11/23 – Little Meggie has found a home!

Meggie is a 9-10 year old Jack Russell Terrier in the care of CAARS Rescue in Essington, Wolverhampton. She can live with other compatible dogs, dog-savvy teenagers but not cats.

Meggie loves her walks and gets on with other dogs so she’s a pleasure to take out. Typical to the breed, she has plenty of energy and finds life so fun that she’s quite puppy-like at times!

Meggie is a sociable girl but should be fine to be left for a few hours (once she’s settled and the time gradually built up). She was previously a farm dog who spent most of her time outside. This means she’ll need a bit of patience while she learns about house training. There’s every reason to think she’ll pick this up quickly as she’s a clever, people-pleasing dog who’s very sensible.

Meggie is in good health and is a typically robust, busy Jack Russell who wants one or two people to call her own and follow about to be helpful.

If you want to know more about this little sweetie, please contact CAARS Rescue as follows:

Phone:  01922 476208


Please say you saw Meggie on the Oldies Club website.

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