Little Bonnie Brighteyes! (Oldies Club, fostered Hampshire)

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29/4/23 – We are delighted to say that Bonnie has gone to her new home!

Bonnie is a very pretty 12-year-old wire-haired Jack Russell Terrier who came into the Oldies Club rescue after her owner sadly died. She is in a foster home in Ringwood, Hampshire, waiting for someone to offer her a permanent home. We are looking for an extra-special person for Bonnie as she does have a health issue, but she has no intention of letting it spoil her enjoyment of life!

Doing well in foster: Bonnie took a couple of weeks to settle into the routine at her foster home. There have been no problems at all. Bonnie sleeps on her foster carer’s bed, as she likes to be close to her person, but she will sleep in her basket. Bonnie is housetrained and asks to go out by barking. She also barks when she is hungry, and if she wants more food she will bring her dish to you! She can be a fussy eater so her foster carer has been rotating through different brands every few weeks.

Fine to be left for short periods: Bonnie can be left for a few hours while you go out shopping etc., but she wouldn’t suit a home where people are out at work as she is a very person-orientated dog and enjoys having company.

OK with dogs, but perhaps best as an only one: Bonnie is friendly with most dogs, but she goes out of her way to avoid them when out and she doesn’t take any notice of dogs when they come up to her. As she has always lived as an only dog, and doesn’t seem interested in them, she probably would prefer to be the only dog in her new home. Her foster carer thinks it is possible that she could live with a gentle older dog though.

Will chase cats: Bonnie has shown that she likes to chase cats, so we are looking for a cat-free home for Bonnie.

Seems fine around older children: Although Bonnie led a sheltered life with her previous owner, she has been fine when meeting children and she doesn’t mind being stroked by them. Her foster carer thinks she would be happy to have kind, well-supervised children aged 8+ visit her home, but she would probably be happiest in a calmer and quieter adult-only home.

Enjoys a walk: Bonnie is good on the lead. She goes out for a couple of walks per day, for about 10 minutes each time. In better weather she might enjoy going out for longer, but she doesn’t like going out in the rain and getting wet. She gets really excited at the prospect of a walk and loves to hold the lead or a ball in her mouth. She walks near to you with an occasional sniff at trees and plants. Her recall is good and she doesn’t stray very far from you at all. The only time she would run off would be if she saw a squirrel!

Good in the car: Bonnie has been out in the car on a few occasions and she settles down quickly.

Bonnie’s favourite pastimes: She doesn’t really play, and toys are only of limited interest to her. Her foster carer has tried giving her balls and squeaky toys, but she plays for only a few minutes and then gets bored and goes off to have a sleep on the sofa. And we can completely relate to that preference, Bonnie!

Bonnie’s dislikes: She doesn’t like loud, sudden noises, nor lorries going past when she is walking. She doesn’t like the sound of her ID tag hitting against her food bowl, so she now has plastic bowls.

Bonnie’s ideal home: Bonnie would prefer a quiet home. She will latch on to one person and follow them like a shadow, so that person does needs to be around for her most of the time.

Health notes: Bonnie is neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and has been wormed and flea treated. She has recently had 6 teeth out and a scale and polish. Blood tests revealed an issue with Bonnie’s liver and an ultrasound scan showed there is a 3cm mass on her liver. Having taken full veterinary advice and weighed up the options, it has been decided that it is in Bonnie’s best interests to leave the mass alone and give liver supporting supplements such as milk thistle. At the moment it does not seem to be affecting her quality of life. Oldies Club is offering to cover future health costs that are related to her liver.

More from Bonnie’s foster carer: “Bonnie is placid, easy going and mellow, and she likes to form an attachment with her person. Bonnie is a lovely dog and deserves a wonderful home. She is very easy to care for and doesn’t have any nastiness about her. She has become a favourite in our home and is loved by all the family and our friends who come to visit.”

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If you would like to offer Bonnie a permanent home, please read our Adoption Procedures for information about the adoption process. You can then contact an Oldies Club Rehoming Coordinator as follows:

Telephone: 0844 586 8656

Bonnie can be rehomed anywhere on the UK mainland – the closer to his foster home the better – subject to a satisfactory home visit. Note that you will be required to travel to the foster home to collect her.
If you would love to offer a home to an oldie but your circumstances aren’t suitable, perhaps you would be kind enough to sponsor one of the special oldies we are caring for that, due to health problems, are unlikely to be offered a permanent home.

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