Overlooked Oldies

Category: Overlooked Oldies–>
  • Iza (Saving & Rehoming Strays, Scotland)

    Iza (Saving & Rehoming Strays, Scotland)

    Iza has missed out on social interaction, but has quickly become more confident and she loves cuddles! She can be rehomed with her brother Mischu, but if rehomed on her own she needs to be your only pet. Could you offer her love and patience?

  • Mischu (Saving & Rehoming Strays, Scotland)

    Mischu (Saving & Rehoming Strays, Scotland)

    Mischu has missed out on socialisation so is taking his time to relax and feel happier around people. He can be rehomed with his sister Iza, but if rehomed on his own he needs to be your only pet. Could you help Mischu?

  • Chyna (Lurcher Link, West Yorkshire)

    Chyna (Lurcher Link, West Yorkshire)

    Chyna loves people and she loves life! Sometimes she’s so full of joy, she’ll get a case of the zoomies which she has to let out. She wants to be an only pet in an adult-only home, as her enthusiastic greetings could bowl small people over. She’s just so happy!

  • Toby (Rescue Remedies, Surrey)

    Toby (Rescue Remedies, Surrey)

    Cute little Toby is a Terrier-lover’s dream. He can live with older children but wants to be the only pet at home. He has the enthusiasm of a young Patterdale but will happily potter along on walks, sometimes with dogs friends, and won’t drag his human through bushes after squirrels!

  • Mika (Rescue Remedies, Surrey)

    Mika (Rescue Remedies, Surrey)

    Mika is a proper Terrier in that he’s super affectionate with his friends, amusingly busy on walks and will chase anything small and quick. He can live with other dogs but definitely not cats! He’s cheerful, loving and always entertaining. He just needs to know he truly belongs again.

Category: Overlooked Oldies–>